Thursday, July 20, 2017

What Is New Adult Clean Contemporary Fiction?

What is the New Adult (NA) Clean Contemporary genre all about, and why am I embracing it? To say ‘I found my niche’ is an understatement! I’ve been writing in this category for years but just didn’t know it existed. Then I found out that it didn’t exist prior to about 2012, and still barely exists!

When people ask me what genre my novels fall into, I have always struggled: Well, they’re at a Young Adult (YA) reading level with a very mature theme and college-age characters. To add to the confusion, they’re also very Christian-themed books. They don’t really fit into the YA genre because they involve adult physical relationships. You can pretend to be shocked if you want, but (newsflash) even Christians have sex! Preferably after marriage, but that too brings up real-life struggles of the difficulty of staying chaste prior to marriage, especially in a world that criticizes that very pretense. It’s not the easiest thing to accomplish, and I address that in several of my stories, possibly all of them. I believe that physical relationships are very sacred and very special. Lovemaking between a husband and wife is almost an extension of God’s love. Anything less than that is demeaning. Sorry, that’s my opinion.

A few months ago I asked a question on one of my online communities (on Facebook) about how to get a book published in that general description, and someone pointed out that my book probably falls into the category of New Adult (NA) rather than YA. I didn’t know such a thing existed, so I started doing some research. It turns out that my stories fit the category almost perfectly!

By the way, the readers of NA fiction are not necessarily in the new adult age range. I’ll explore that later in this blog post, but first let’s examine what makes a novel fit into this category. These are according to Deborah Halverson in her book Writing New Adult Fiction.

Here are the nine traits that distinguish NA fiction from teen fiction or fiction for adults:
(Those of you who already read my novels will be nodding your head reading each of these!)

·         Main characters between the ages of eighteen to twenty-five (although some online communities claim 18-30 is the age range)
·         Themes related to identity establishment (characters learning who they are and what they want out of life)
·         Independence as a story driver (characters learning to take responsibility for themselves, their own actions, and their problems)
·         A self-focused perspective (new adults are often focused on their own needs, wants, dreams, and interests)
·         Heightened sense of change and instability (this stage in life is naturally full of change)
·         Clash of high expectations and harsh reality (optimistic characters who aim big and mess up even bigger!)
·         Peer-heavy social circles (parents are nearly out of the story, peers become the new ‘family’)
·         Significant romances (beyond the ‘first kiss’ of teen years, these relationships are intense, often include marriage and sex)
·         New adult relevant circumstances (may include temporary living arrangements, short-term jobs, fluid social circles, unfamiliar activities and settings, and financial stress)

If you’ve read my books, you are probably already aware that they are indeed New Adult novels! But, from where did this NA category originate?

Crossover readers became writers! What is a crossover reader, you ask? Basically, the same group of readers who propelled the Twilight series and Harry Potter series into superstardom.

Crossover readers, as defined by publishing market research firm Bowker in September of 2012 were 18 years or older, purchasing YA books for themselves, not to give as a gift to a teen. The largest segment of these readers were thirty- to forty-four-year-olds. Simple escapism is cited as the reason for their choosing these stories, as well as nostalgia for a simpler time in their lives.

When crossover readers ran out of Twilight novels (the series ended, I know, we’re all still crying!) they started writing stories they wanted to read. That’s exactly what happened to me! I wrote The Cove in the summer of 2011, before this genre even existed! No wonder I couldn’t define its genre or convince a publishing company to embrace it!

The largest group of readers of NA fiction are that same crossover audience that took YA to the top of the industry, with college-age readers coming in second, and some advanced teen readers bringing up the rear. My readership includes all of those and more. I have a lot of teens who love my stories, several people who are old enough to be my mother who love my stories, and everything in between.

What about the Christian aspect? Pretty much all of my novels include my church! It’s as simple as that. You write about what you know and it’s difficult to separate yourself from your core values. My core values include my walk with Christ, and my membership in my church. Take it or leave it. I am who I am.

I love it when people read my books, but I will not change my stories to fit a genre or to engage a particular market or audience. I write the stories that come from my heart and mind. That being said, it’s good to know my stories have found their square-peg home in the round-peg publishing world.

Have you embraced New Adult fiction? What’s your opinion? - Julie L. Spencer

Check out Writing New Adult Fiction by Deborah Halverson

Saturday, July 15, 2017

What Is Buxton Peak: London Bridges?

In researching ‘the’ London Bridge, I’ve now taken my Buxton Peak: London Bridges manuscript (that was about 1/3 written) and mapped out most of the story, even named a bunch of chapters.

I’m surprised how many of the chapters feature the underlying theme of ‘going home’.

Writing a book is fun. I know what’s going to happen, I know in what order it’s all going to happen, and I know where it starts and where it finishes. It’s all the in-between writing that takes time. There are so many scenes that exist only in my head.

This section of the Buxton Peak saga is quite literally a bridge between Book Two and Book Three of the trilogy. It takes place in London, where most of the rest of the series takes place in the U.S.A. It features the time period when Gary and Andy were away from the band and Kai and Ian are in Michigan. It ends in Nashville when Andy calls Ian to tell him ‘the news’.

If you’ve read Buxton Peak Book Two: Center Stage, you know the interesting twist that occurs at the end of the book when Andy calls Ian, and all their lives shift gears. I can’t wait to share this story with the world! 

Have you read the Buxton Peak series? What's your opinion? -Julie L. Spencer

Don't Ask Me; I'm Not Google

One of my new mantras: Do not ask me a question to which you have already decided the answer!

It interrupts my train of thought (frustrating for someone already plagued with bipolar disorder - squirrel!), and annoys 'you' when I offer my opinion if it's different from what you have already decided.

Just make a choice. If you really want my validation, say: "Hey, Julie, sorry to interrupt, I've decided to do (insert whatever it is you've already decided). Do you see any problems with doing 'it' that way?"

and I'll either point out the obvious problem that you can't see because you're too close to the situation, or offer you validation by saying "Great idea!"

Then you can go back to doing whatever it was you were going to do anyway, and I can attempt to figure out what I was trying to do when I was so rudely interrupted...

Oh, what a cute video of a squirrel. I should research how to bring more squirrels up to our bird feeder. "Okay, Google..."