Did you know that Esme fled an abusive marriage while pregnant for their son? She hid in a small town in Wisconsin while waiting for her baby to arrive and worked as a school teacher, passing herself off as a war widow. When her baby boy died just two days after his birth, she jumped off a cliff intending to kill herself because her life felt hopeless. Carlisle found her barely alive. She remembered him from when he treated her broken leg ten years prior. She always held him in high esteem as the perfect gentleman and the type of man she wanted to marry. She wasn’t upset with him for changing her and fell in love with him right away.
Emmett was a bit of a wild teenager from Tennessee who drank, gambled, and was a womanizer. But, he was a big help to his family, who struggled to make ends meet. He was a big, strapping twenty year old who was a good hunter and woodsman. It was on a hunting trip in the Smoky Mountains that he was mauled by a bear and nearly died. When Rosalie found him, he thought that another bear was fighting with the first bear. Then when Rosalie picked him up and he felt like he was flying through the air because she was running so fast, he thought she was an angel. Once changed into a vampire, he had trouble with the vegetarian diet and the family had to move frequently because he couldn’t control his appetite. Another interesting tidbit about Emmett: Edward helped him donate a small fortune to Emmett’s family by leaving a bag of money on their doorstep.
Near the end of Twilight (the book, this is not shared at all in the movie), Bella learns a lot of information about Alice’s past when James taunts her about the human girl who got away from him before he could kill her. It turns out; Alice could predict the future even before she was a vampire and saw him coming to kill her. She confided in her only friend, who was a groundskeeper at the insane asylum where she lived, who also happened to be a vampire. Together they decided to change her in order to save her life. Sadly, James killed her friend the vampire (the book does not share his name) when he tried to defend Alice. By then it was too late; Alice had gotten away. This, however seems weird to me because James is said to be a “Tracker” which to me indicates that he could have found her if he had really wanted to. Maybe her ability to see the future gave her the chance to see a way to escape that would not lead him to be able to find her. This theory is unproven however, since Stephanie does not share those details with us. It’s just my theory.
Anyway, when Alice woke up she had no memory of her life prior to becoming a vampire, so she didn’t know any of this until James told Bella and Bella told Alice. As it turns out, Alice had predicted that her mother was going to be murdered and then predicted that her father and future step-mother planned the murder and were going to murder her as well. The people in the town all considered her a witch and thought she was putting curses on people when she predicted that they were about to die in an accident or something. After she went around town telling everyone that her father and new step-mother wanted to kill her, they all thought she was crazy. For this reason, it was really easy for her father to just tuck her away in an insane asylum rather than have to murder her.
We know from the Twilight Saga that Jasper had trouble with the vegetarian lifestyle, but did you know that Esme, Emmett, and Alice did as well. Until they mastered it, they had “sporadic” success. Only Rosalie has a record “almost as clean as Carlisle’s” and has never tasted human blood.
I’m going to stop there for now, but will probably post another blog later this evening, as I’m flying through the reading. Have you started reading The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide yet? What’s your opinion? -Julie
Complete book review of The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide
The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide is here!
The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide (Review and Opinions, Part Two)
Third Day's Thoughts on The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide
Day Four of Reading The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide
The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide - The Volturi Guard
The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide (Inside the Volturi lair, then South to visit the Amazon Coven)
From Twilight to Breaking Dawn: Religious Themes in the Twilight Saga
Discovering Alaska in The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide
Exploring the Egyptian Coven in The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide
Journey to Ireland with The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide
James, Victoria, and Laurent in The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide
The Mexican Coven in The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide
The Seattle Newborns in The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide
A Few More Newborn Vampires in The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide
The Romanians in The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide
Questionnaire to Evaluate Your Level of Addiction
If you’ve never read the Twilight series, check out these other Twilight books, music, and movies:
The Twilight Saga: New Moon
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner
The Twilight Saga Complete Collection
The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide
Twilight: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion
The Twilight Saga: New Moon: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion
Twilight Soundtrack
Twilight: the Score
New Moon Soundtrack
New Moon: the Score
Eclipse Soundtrack
Eclipse: the Score
Twilight DVD
The Twilight Saga: New Moon DVD
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
I recently lost 42 pounds on the Take Shape for Life program! Want to check out my weight loss transition? Click here! -Julie L. Spencer
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